Step 1. Activate Teamtailor integration in TalentBridge application

1. Go to the integration settings tab, choose Teamtailor, and click “Generate token”

2. Copy generated token

Step 2. Activate Teamtailor integration in TalentBridge application

1. Activate TalentBridge in the Teamtailor marketplace.

2. Paste token generated in TalentBridge, click Validate credentials, and then Finish Installation.

Setup the trigger in Teamtailor

Now the integration is activated you can set up triggers.

Select the stage that will be used to send TalentBridge assessments and click three dots, then select Send TalentBirdge.

Chose tests that you want to send and the mail template used to send the assessment to the candidate, then click Add trigger button.

Every candidate moved to this stage will receive an email with the selected tests.


Review the results

Once the candidate finishes the test results will be available on the candidate tab in Tematailor

To check test results details click three dots and then View details

What data is transferred

Once the TalentBridge integration webhook is triggered, the following data will be transferred:

from TalentBridge to Teamtailor:

  • Assessment results and link to reports

from Teamtailor to TalenBridge

  • Job title
  • Candidate first name
  • Candidate last name
  • Candidate email

Need support?

Contact TalentBridge directly via:

  • Email:
