Details Talent

We will help you select a candidate who is a talent in the field of perceptiveness and meticulousness.

We create tests that uncover candidates' detail-finding skills

Details Talent aptitude test assesses accuracy and attentiveness in performance, as well as the ability to catch discrepancies when working on numerical or textual material.

The purpose of the test is to identify individuals who are perceptive and accurate and meticulous in their work.

The following skills are diagnosed:

  • filtering information,
  • assessing the consistency of information,
  • comparing statements for differences,
  • combining information.

The tool can be used for the purpose of assessing the abilities that are useful for performing tasks in jobs that require special attention to detail, for example: entering data into a system, analyzing numerical data, analyzing legal materials, etc.

The ability to notice details is a competency that can affect our level of professionalism: from spelling or punctuation errors, to mistakes in working with numbers and other important data, the omission of which can result in serious consequences.

Areas of competence studied

  • matching information,
  • filtering information,
  • identifying errors or omissions in data,
  • checking the consistency of information,
  • the power of persistence.
You will use Test Details Talent in recruiting for positions:

Why are our tests reliable?

The IRT technology we use allows us to analyze the candidate’s behavior in relation to a single test task, rather than the entire test, so that the candidate receives tasks tailored to his or her level, making it possible to very precisely examination of the severity of competencies and the applicability of the tests to both junior and senior positions. The average difficulty of all items is 0.53. The reliability of our test is confirmed by the alpha-Cronbach index, which for our analytical test is 0.71. The entire work is supervised from the content side by Dr. Michal Chruszczewski of the University of Warsaw.

Automatically generated reports
For the recruiter and the candidate.
Polish group
standards group
407 people by age, education, field of study, position, seniority.
Reliability of the test
 is confirmed by the
Cronbach’s alpha, which for
this test is 0.71.

Why implement competency testing in recruitment?

  • You make a quick selection of candidates – you meet only the best ones.
  • You test a candidate’s competence anytime and anywhere – remote recruitment is no longer a problem for you.
  • You hire people with the right skills, thereby reducing turnover in the company by as much as 40%!
  • You reduce the risk of re-recruitment because you hire a candidate with the competencies to match the job.
  • You will avoid “unconscious bias”,  which is the reason for bad recruitment decisions, because you are assessing a candidate’s competence based on hard data.
  • You will become a trusted partner of the business by recruiting employees to meet the personnel needs of the various units of the organization.

Are we operating in compliance with RODO?

We guarantee compliance with RODO regulations – we have all key aspects of RODO implemented. Data is stored within the EU. In terms of IT security, we conduct periodic penetration tests to confirm the security of our system.

Convenient recruitment? Yes, because it's integrated with eRecruiter!

You work in one system
You work in one system
Automate processes and reduce recruitment time
Automate processes and reduce recruitment time
You are guaranteed data security
You are guaranteed data security
You have a quick view of the test results
You have a quick view of the test results

Process automation is the cornerstone of today’s recruitment, especially in the era of online recruiting. To meet the needs of HR departments, we have become an eRecruiter Partner in the area of recruitment testing. What benefits can you derive from this?

All you have to do is select the recruitment stage to which an automatic dispatch of a recruitment test is assigned, and your candidate will receive within 10 minutes an
e-mail with an invitation to solve it. The result of the test will appear in an eRecruiter note.

For employers only!
Do you want to hire candidates with the right skills?

Schedule a no-obligation consultation. During the conversation, we will determine the key competencies in your recruitments and identify the psychometric tests that will work best for your processes.
