Talent Intelligence
Test the candidates' analytical, verbal and logical competencies in one go and hire the best one.

Sometimes, one test is not enough to assess the candidate's real competences.
The Talent Intelligence test is a solution for employers who wish to check multiple competences of candidates in one go. The test is a combination of the Analytical Talent, Verbal Talent and Logical Talent tests. In the competence assessment, you can check your candidate in terms of the following skills:
- making logical decisions based on data;
- interpreting data;
- logical thinking;
- reading comprehension;
- making decisions under the pressure of time;
- quick analysis of information.
How does the Talent Intelligence test work?
The candidate receives a link to an on-line test. The test consists of 8 questions from each part, i.e. Analytical, Verbal and Logical. The questions are selected randomly from a pool of 450 questions, and the test duration is 31 minutes. Once the test is completed, we will inform you that a given candidate has taken the test and we will send you a report with the overall result of the three parts, as well as detailed scores from each area.
What makes our tests reliable?
We use the IRT technology, which allows analysing the candidate’s behaviour in relation to a specific test task rather than the entire test, thanks to which the candidate receives tasks adjusted to their level, which in turn allows a very precise analysis of intensification of competences and applying tests both in juniors and higher-level positions. The test was standardised on a group of 1,200 people divided by age, education, faculty, job position, and professional experience. All content-related works are supervised by Prof. Michał Chruszczewski, Ph.D., from the University of Warsaw.
Why implement competency testing in recruitment?
- You make a quick selection of candidates – you meet only with the best ones.
- You test the competencies of a candidate at any time and place – remote recruitment ceases to be a problem for you.
- You hire people with the right competencies, thereby reducing turnover in the company by as much as 40%!
- You reduce the risk of re-recruitment, because you hire a candidate with competencies that match the job.
- You avoid “unconscious bias”, which is the reason for bad recruitment decisions, because you assess a candidate’s competencies based on hard data.
- You will become a trusted partner of the business by recruiting employees who meet the needs of the various units of the organization.
A study by CareerBuilder indicates that automating recruitment processes saves HR departments as much as 67% in resources and money.
How much does it cost?
We charge based on the test units used – you decide how many tests you want to use. The price per test ranges from PLN 198 to 440 net. In addition, we offer the possibility to personalize the questions and adapt them to the realities of your organization – this way you will achieve a better candidate experience. If you want to know the detailed costs for your company, order a free consultation below and tell us about the situation you are trying to solve.
Are we operating in compliance with RODO?
We guarantee compliance with RODO regulations – we have all key aspects of RODO implemented. Data is stored within the EU. In terms of IT security, we conduct periodic penetration tests to confirm the security of our system.
Do you care about a comprehensive competency check for candidates?
Let's talk about tests to check the potential of a candidate to work for your company. Fill out the form and wait for a sales supervisor to contact you.
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